We found an opportune moment to capture some of Elizabeth's facial expressions while she was sleeping in her Mommy's arms. Daddy especially enjoys her little squeaks.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November 17 photos
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pictures from her first 3 weeks

Mom holding Elizabeth after she's been cleaned up.
Elizabeth's cousin Kristi Tomlinson holding her in the hospital.

In the car seat with warm cover. I don't think she likes it too much!
Elizabeth sleeping soundly at home.
Elizabeth looking at mom. So you are the voice I've been hearing.
Mom loves to kiss Elizabeth's sweet little toes and feet.

Elizabeth with her aunt Laren.
Mimi holding Elizabeth.
Look how small her hand is next to Daddy's.
She is so small!
She sure is strong. She is trying to arch her back while being fed. What a wiggle worm!
Elizabeth likes being swaddled, but does prefer her arms being left out of the blanket, so she can suck her fingers.
The following pictures are from a photo shoot we did today:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New Baby!
Elizabeth was born on October 26th, 2008 at 7:38PM. She was 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 19.25 inches long. She has been a joy ever since. She does typical newborn things and Elizabeth's parents do typical new parent things - but all are getting along just fine and we are all growing together. Even Elizabeth's big brother Gus is enjoying getting to know her. We have really appreciated all of the calls and visits that family and friends have provided as well as the generous gifts and time that have been put into bringing Elizabeth into the world for us all to enjoy. More pictures are below as we know that is what you really want to see anyway.

Proud and emotional daddy!