Elizabeth has been growing like a weed since we last updated the blog. She has not started solids yet because the pediatrician likes babies to start at 6 months, so we are just trying to keep her full without food, which is no easy task. Her grandma and grandpa "pops" came to visit with her aunt Laren the weekend before Easter. She had a great time seeing them and of course they loved seeing her too. She rolled over for the first time from her back to her stomach on April 7. She decided she loved rolling for a couple of days and would end up on her stomach when sleeping. She didn't like that very much, so she has stopped rolling in her crib. She continues to sleep really well, but has cut back on her napping durng the day a little bit. She enjoys putting everything in her mouth and chewing on each item. We take her to church regularly and she loves listening to the music, but during the sermon she is a chatter box and one of us has to take her out of the sanctuary because she is quite the talker. Elizabeth continues to enjoy her jumperoo and has recently discovered a picture hanging on the wall of flowers that absolutely mesmerizes her. She is still the most perfect baby, and she keeps us laughing with her precious little squeaks and giggles. She also recently learned how to purse her limps and blow bubbles. We really are having the time of our lives! Here are a few pictures from Elizabeth wearing her Easter dress.