Monday, November 16, 2009

Videos - Riding her car and bathtime

This first video shows Elizabeth's obvious prowess and competitive nature when dealing with items of the four-wheeled variety

We also think she will continue to enjoy climbing things and we hope she always enjoys her baths this much.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall photos and Elizabeth's first word video

We had our little angel all ready to be a butterfly for halloween and then she came down with the flu. We didn't get to participate in any festivities, but did manage to put her costume on for a few minutes.

We loaded up our 2 babies to get a few pictures of them for the fall. Unfortunatley, baby # 1, aka Gus, is not doing the best, so we wanted to get a few shots before he was no longer with us. Elizabeth's first word other than "Momma" and "Dadda" was Gus.

Elizabeth's first word can be heard in the video below. We actually didn't realize that Elizabeth was saying 'Gus' until she did it repeatedly when we called for him or he was around and she was calling for him. Elizabeth is constantly looking for her buddy, Gus, and lights up at the sight of him.