It has been a while since we last had a post. We have had a busy spring. Here are a few photos of what we have been up to. Elizabeth continues to be a wonderful child, and we enjoy her more and more every day!
This is how Elizabeth sleeps. She always has her sleep sack in her mouth.

Nanny turned 90 and we had a big party. Here we are posing for a picture with her!
All of the great-grandchildren with Nanny

This is Elizabeth first thing in the morning on Easter. She didn't see her basket sitting on the floor yet.
Elizabeth wearing her Easter dress before church. It was hard to get her to sit still for a picture!

Easter afternoon at the Easter on Parade in Richmond.

We had a few 90 degree days in April, so mom got a baby pool and she had a blast!

Elizabeth's first pigtails!

The big news!! Can you read Elizabeth's new shirt!

Elizabeth put her shoes on all by herself, she did good, but got them on the wrong feet!

Elizabeth is taking swim lessons and doing really well!

Mommy bought Elizabeth a new tutu. Here are a few cute shots of her with her daddy wearing her new tutu.